Saturday, December 31, 2016

So This is the New Year

[A rare occasion - I felt like writing a poem to share. Inspired by the new year, I put it our as a gesture of solidarity with writers and readers alike. Good things be to all.]


With the dawning sun
a new year opens its newborn eyes
Stretching wide
Heaving its first breath (in - out),
beckoned with caution,
uninvited, but expected,
celebrated - and feared

Auld lang syne sung
showers with tunes of who we were,
what we did,
rhythms of whys,
but all give way to
what (or who) we will become
(and when).

A day like another, yet we
and resolve,
seek to be washed clean
by the holy water of annual renewal.

One hand waves hesitant goodbyes,
the other props open possibility
One leg in
other out
Relieved by transition,
Exhilarated by potential
Feeling at once like naive children,
but weather-worn from sojourns
knowing all to well that we know nothing.

Whispered promises are made
to her (I will)
to him (I will)
to me (I might)
as the carousel spins, melodies drifting upward,
we dance to whatever song
we choose to hear
hearts beating in rhythmic synchronicity
until we are called home
to begin


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