Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fare thee well, twenty-ten.

I will not pretend by saying that this year has been the best of years. In fact, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

Leave it to a long-dead Victorian author, Dickens of course, to best articulate this past year. Without going into depth, I'd rather focus on some of the good things that have occurred this year.

Valerie, my mom number two, remarried on January 2, 2010. I was so glad to share that moment with her! I wish her nothing but love and happiness.

I had tons of fun with Tara and Marissa, just like old times. 

My parents actually took a picture with me.

For Easter, Louanne and I went to Carlsbad and visited the flower fields. I remember that this was the same day my mom called me to ask if I felt the earthquake.

For my birthday last year, Louanne decided to try to kill me. I waited three months or so to finally go. Jumping out of a plane was something I wanted to do later in the year, but without a parachute. Luckily, things turned out all right.

I think my face explains it all. 
I lived. Apparently...

Along with jumping out of planes, I flew on a couple as well. I was lucky enough to go to the east coast with the eighth graders last school year. It was a great nine days of so, regardless of how exhausting it was. I was able to see sites that I had never seen and go with a great group of amazing kids. Those students are going to be very difficult to beat in my years of teaching. I feel very blessed to have been their teacher and, in this case, chaperone, for the east coast trip.

 Feeding goats at Plimoth.
On top of the Empire State Building.

Lady Liberty 
Capitol Building in DC.

 Iwo Jima monument.
 Lincoln Monument

The summer was an interesting one. I left my last school site under my own volition. I thought that it was what I wanted. If you have read earlier blogs, then you know the story. The gist of it is as follows: I was very excited to change schools to go to a comprehensive middle school, but the work ahead of me was intense. All in all, it was a rough but necessary change. I am glad to have left things behind and to move forward at Lewis.

I also attended Del Mar Race Track's opening day.

In the boxes at Del Mar 
 SF in August

Taken by Justin Chung who is, by the way, going to be a hugely famous photographer. He is already on his way! I'm very proud of my little bro. (Below)

Vegas in July... Let me say, I remember why I don't go to Vegas, but Ashley and Joe are two of my new favorite people. I look forward to the many wonderful times to remember (and forget).
@ Crown in the Rio

The real low down: What I expect in 2011...

Biggest Trend: Weddings ... better than the baby trend!
It seems like 2010 and 2011 will be the years of weddings. Everybody is getting married or having children, and this makes me assess my state in life. It is a good thing I enjoy weddings, particularly those with open bars, but I am most excited to see Mary Beth and Brian as well as Sergio and Adriana get married next year. Two of best, closest, and oldest friends are tying the knot with their partners. I am very happy for them, but also a little worried. I am sure I will have an opportunity to speak at both of their weddings. 

I suppose this is what happens at this stage in my life; people around me are making long-term life decisions. Buying a home this year reminded me that there are important steps that we all take in our lives, but nothing should be done without consideration. In the long run, there are very few things in this world worth rushing, so I have learned to be patient and ready to make decisions as appropriate and necessary.

Biggest Change:
A big concern I have for 2011 is how I will handle my self in light of my parents moving across the country. I know that it has to happen at some point, but the logical order of events is that the child moves away (as I did) and the parents stay. I didn't expect that they would move away and leave me behind. I know I am old and mature enough to handle it, but it is strange to think that I will have to get on an airplane to visit my parents. In light of the wretched circumstances that tainted most of 2010, the best-case scenario was for them to move away and begin again, but because it negatively impacts me, I am not 100 percent keen on the idea, but rather about eighty-five percent. Hey, I can't be completely selfless in the manner, but I can handle it with a certain degree of grace.

Biggest Concern:
Lay-offs - I don't want to talk more about this. California - get yourself together.

Biggest Accomplishment:
That I can predict - graduating with my master's. There's a part of me that feels like I should have already done this, but I did not rush into a career field that I didn't enjoy, I didn't just continue my education for the sake of doing so, and it was just plain-ol' good timing. I value education so much that I hope to stay in the field as a teacher as long as allowed (see above).

The reflection:
I want 2010 to pass in the night, in its resting state, and fade away into the dark, uncompromising oblivion in which it belongs. It is strange to think that I struggle to reflect this year because of all of the difficulty I have had. In the long run, I have grown exponentially. 

By growth, I mean to say that I have learned some important things:

I have learned that my sphere of influence is really rather small, but my focused energy can be placed in more appropriate areas. 

My life is like a train ride and I am its conductor. There are people who have been passengers for a long time, getting on soon after departure if not immediately thereafter. Then, there are people who got on a little later for the ride. Sometimes, people can no longer take the journey with me and they must stop at a station appropriate for them, some never to return again and others may buy a ticket back. I am often hesitant to let passengers on my train to nowhere and am cautious of the baggage they bring, never really knowing whether it will benefit me or weigh me down. I welcome those who trust me and support me on my journey. I am always looking for new passengers to challenge me and accompany on this treacherous voyage of existence but a fair disclaimer shall be issued: if you buy the ticket you have to be willing to endure the ride. If you cannot, feel free to pull the chain and get off at the next stop. I have learned to let people go. People come and go and I control who rides on the train.

One thing Joe Ferro knows is a lot about himself through the trials and tribulations as well as joys and people that have come into (and out of) his life. I am what I am and that's as realistic as can be.

People who get to know me know that I am not always to be taken at face value. I value my family and friends more than anything. My best friends are most favored because they know me not for who I am, but why I am this way. I like to work diligently, and play even more. I do know how to let loose and, occassionally, it gets me into trouble. I love life and living it to its fullest.

To describe me... i am like a mountain climber, always looking for a challenge, but as soon as i get to the top, i can't help but think of the climb down. i never sit at the top and enjoy my accomplishments either. This is an area to work on, but at least I never back down from a new opportunity. After all, "Our greatest foes, and whom we must chiefly combat, are within."

My life has been kind of up and down for the past year, but I am happy... and it feels great. The people who are in my life at this moment make me glad to get up every morning and set forth in in this crazy world. I have amazing family, stellar friends, a fantastic girlfriend - who could ask for more?

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to anther year. It's always nice to read your reflectins and watch you grow. I was and am still today happy to be part of it. You are surrounded with laughter and love daily and the photos are a great reflection of that. I look forward to 2011 with you for I know its going to be a good one. You can count on endless hugs, kisses, laughter, challenges, and endless love from me.
